Alicia O

Tigris is right on the money when it comes to readings. Always able to communicate uncomfortable truths through a reflective, universal lens. She is caring and compassionate, and gives fully. A real treat if you can get a reading from her. Truly gifted.

Chelsea L

Tigris is such an inspiration to me and I'm so grateful for her wisdom! Being a "baby witch" and still learning, I've found myself gravitating towards her for guidance and I'm so thankful to be able to learn from her! Her advice is always authentic, spot on, and what I need to hear in my continuing journey. Her knowledge of tarot and astrology is astounding and I'm sure I speak for many when I say we are so blessed that she is using her gift.

Odion W

In her star talk, Tigris reminds me of my strengths and encourages actions that celebrate my authentic self.